Shekinah Medical Centre offers the services of a General Surgeon for both minor and major surgical conditions. Our Education page contains quite a lot of information on many medical conditions, but here is a brief primer on what surgery entails.
Minor surgery usually involves treating simple conditions like skin and breast lumps, lacerations, infections, foreign bodies, circumcisions and similar disorders which can be done in office under local anaesthesia (where you are awake but the local area is "deadened").
Major surgery deals with breast cancer, hernia repair, abdominal cancer, major wound infections, amputations and other conditions which require hospital care. For this, we use Bayview Hospital. Generally this will require general anaesthesia where you are put to sleep.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Shekinah Medical Centre also offers the services of an Obstetrician-Gynecologist. Pregnancy falls under this list along with a long list of minor and major conditions affecting the female.
Minor affections include period problems, regular pap smears, menopausal issues, uterine prolapse, vaginal infections and infertility.
Major conditions include surgery for fibroids, various cancers of the genital system, and other disorders requiring hospital treatment. For such cases, we use the services of MD Alliance Surgery and Birthing Centre.
Purely non-medical, but we also manage an apartment building called Excelsior Apartments. There are 8 two-bedroom units for long stay tenants as well as an Airbnb unit for short stay vacationers.
If you happen to be seeking such accommodation, do give us a call. If there is a vacancy, we'd be happy to consider you.
We also have computer, electrical, electronic, musical and photographic items for sale here.